I referred my mum to Pierre after years of neck & back pain after a car accident some 20 years before. After many years of taking pain killers and constant agony - Pierre released her pain, she couldn’t believe it! We now call him the magic man!

/  Satisfied client  /

I just want to say a HUGE thank you to Lizzie. I never thought I would say this, but, my 7 month old son is reflux free after just 3 sessions with her! After being told him vomiting up to 30 times a day was "normal" and "something he would grow out of" by the GP, but I knew something else was going on. After having his tongue tie cut, he then needed some sessions to get rid of all the tension in his body cause by the tie, reflux and labour. As an extra bonus, he's now sleeping through the night, because he is finally comfortable! The actual sessions were so relaxed, everyone is super friendly. From an outsider perspective, it appeared that my son was just playing with toys, but somehow, Lizzie was working her magic! I will be coming here first if I have any problems with any future babies. Thank you SO much.

/  Satisfied client  /

When my daughter was 8 weeks old she seemed uncomfortable and unhappy. A friend recommended Pierre. Pierre found that she seems to suffer from silent reflux, colic, restricted neck movement and pressure in her nose which impacted her feeding. Alongside this, she had formed a flat head where she was positioned in my tummy. After a few sessions and a milk change recommended by Pierre, she was a different baby! Settled & happy- a few more sessions to follow and her head was rounding nicely - Amazing. My gorgeous girl is such a happy little girl and I know Pierre definitely contributed to this by relieving her at an early age.

/  Satisfied client  /

Pierre is very personable, he is gentle with babies and genuinely cares. Thank you so much Pierre - you’ve made such a positive impact on our lives.

/  Natasha  /